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Artifacts (tin collection)

Artifacts (tin collection)

I created the 'Artifacts' collection as a reminder of the value of experience and unity with the forces of nature.

Each piece is unique, with its own special story.

Molten metal, under the force of gravity, forms its own distinct material shape, blending with sand collected from the shores of the Dnipro River

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Товарів: 5


Artifact VIIArtifact VII
Artifact VII Ціна зі знижкою$70.00
Artifact VArtifact V
Artifact V Ціна зі знижкою$70.00
Artifact IІIArtifact IІI
Artifact IІI Ціна зі знижкою$70.00
Artifact IІArtifact IІ
Artifact IІ Ціна зі знижкою$70.00
Artifact IArtifact I
Artifact I Ціна зі знижкою$70.00